Website Analysis

Company being Analyzed
When starting this project, I wanted to initially do the company Apple. However after analyzing the Apple website, they did not have any differences as far as the international website in considered. I then thought about Hyundai. I drive a Hyundai and am a true of my car and the company. I decided to compare the American Hyundai website and the German Hyundai website to relate it to my country profile assignment.

There was a lot more animation on the American Hyundai site then the German website. On the main webpage, a slideshow goes on talking about new improvements and thanking all of the Hyundai customers for supporting the brand. The German website did not have any animations at all. It was very basic and to the point.

High Context/Low Context
The American Hyundai webpage is more high context then the German Hyundai webpage. High context is more interactive, grabs attention and shows that the company cares about their customers. Some qualities this American site has that the German site doesn’t includes:

  • Talks about car safety and the awards Hyundai has received
  • There is an a note from Hyundai thanking the 1 million fans that have liked them on Facebook. Shows they appreciate loyalty.
  • The whole site is interactive and customer friendly
  • Slideshow on the main page talking about various qualities Hyundai offers in a car
  • Images are seen on roads and in real setting to be more relatable

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The German Hyundai site is definitely low context compared to the American website. Low context is more to the point and fact based. On the German website, there wasn’t much as far as “extra’s” are concerned. It was very straight forward and to the point. I think it is interesting because American companies have a tendency to add tons of extra fluff. Other countries tend to be more basic and not focus so much on adding tons of extras. Some qualities that the German site has to make it low context would include:

  • To the point
  • Little to know extra graphics
  • Advertisements on page are clear and to the point. For example, tire adds

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I noticed a lot on both websites that a variety of color was used in both of them. The American website has a wide range of color from car examples, do overall design. You could find examples of all colors offered on the American site. On the German site, a variety of greys and dark purples could be found.
American Site
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German Site
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On the German site they tend to use a lot of dark colors basic colors. It is interesting that they leave all of the color options out of the car sample site.

Similarities/Differences in Color

  • Variety
  • Cars shown on homepage are silver or grey
  • Germany has darker colors through out the website. Although they are different colors, they are all dark shades
  • America has a larger variety of colors both dark and light

Social Media

There actually wasn’t a social media website for the German Hyundai. Social media is a great way to reach customers all over the globe. The American Hyundai Facebook and Twitter allows the company to let customers know what is going on the company and also allows them to talk to customers and address complaints and compliments. The foreign Hyundai brands need to jump on the social media bandwagon.

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Other Differences

  • American website has a variety of tools to help price a car. This includes requesting a quote for a car, a payment calculator and local offers.
  • Hyundai in Germany sponsors sporting events in Germany so links are included on main page.

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  • Germany has many adds and links for buying tires. Snow is very common in Germany and these adds are showing how durable they are in the snow.

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  • The American website shows all of the reasons why buyers should invest in a Hyundai. Once you click on the button, it goes into more detail about that aspect of Hyundai.

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